Difference Between Force And Pressure

The key difference between force and pressure is that force represents the overall effect exerted by one object upon another, while pressure signifies the distribution of that force across a specific surface area.

What is Force?

A force represents the push or pull exerted on an object, arising from its interaction with another object. When objects interact, forces act upon them, but in the absence of interaction, forces cease to exist.

This quantity is vector-based, signifying it possesses both magnitude and direction, necessitating a comprehensive description. In visual representations, forces are typically depicted using arrows.

Unit of Force

The standard unit for force in the International System of Units (SI) is the Newton (N), equivalent to one-kilogram meter per second squared (kg m/s²).

What is Pressure?

Pressure is defined as the force exerted on a surface divided by the area over which it is distributed. In simpler terms, it represents the strength of the force pushing down on a given area, causing it to spread out. When a force is distributed across a large surface, the resulting pressure is lower, whereas applying the same force to a smaller surface leads to higher pressure.

Pressure is the result of applying force over a given area.

 It can be expressed through this formula:

                          Pressure = Force / Area
  • Where P represents the pressure
  • F stands for the force applied
  • A represents the surface area in contact.

Force vs Pressure

The major differences between force and pressure are given below:

DefinitionIt is the action resulting in object acceleration due to push and pull.It is the force acting upon an area, perpendicular to the surface.
Unit and SymbolUnit: Newton (N)Unit: Pascal (Pa)
Instrument to measureMeasured by a dynamometer.It cannot change the velocity of the object; it’s constant due to pressure.
Vector/ScalarVector quantity (has magnitude and direction).Scalar quantity (no direction).
Acted uponActs on the face, edges, side, or vertices of the object.Acts only on the surface or face of the object.
Velocity EffectCan change the velocity of the object in a specific direction.Cannot change the velocity of the object; it’s constant due to pressure.

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