Difference Between Genotype And Phenotype

The primary difference between genotype and phenotype is that genotype is an organism’s genetic makeup, while phenotype is the observable physical and behavioral traits resulting from the interaction of genes and the environment.

What is genotype?

A genotype refers to the genetic makeup of an organism, including the combination of alleles (gene variants) that determine specific traits. It’s an individual’s genetic information that may or may not be expressed in their physical characteristics.

What is phenotype?

A phenotype refers to the observable physical, behavioral, and physiological characteristics of an organism. It’s influenced by both genetic factors (genotype) and environmental factors. Phenotypes can encompass traits like hair color, height, eye shape, and even behaviors like intelligence or temperament.

Genotype Vs phenotype:

The basic difference between genotype and phenotype is given below:

DefinitionIncludes physical and behavioral characteristicsObservable traits of an organism
CompositionComprises alleles (gene variants)Includes physical and behavioural characteristics
RoleDetermines potential traitsReflects expressed traits
InfluenceInfluences phenotype but not all alleles are expressedDirectly shapes observable characteristics
ExamplesHomozygous dominant, heterozygous, homozygous recessiveCan be analyzed through DNA sequencing
InheritancePassed from parent to offspringResult of genotype-environment interaction
VariationCan have variations due to different allelesShows diversity within a population
Genetic TestingCan be analysed through DNA sequencingObservations and measurements are used

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