Difference Between Metallic And Non-metallic Minerals

The key difference between metallic and non-metallic minerals is that metallic minerals contain metals and have metallic properties, while non-metallic minerals lack metals and their associated properties.

Metallic vs Nonmetallic Minerals

The primary difference between metallic and non-metallic minerals is given below:

Metallic MineralsNon-Metallic Minerals
CompositionContain metals and have metallic properties, such as luster and conductivity.Lack metallic properties and do not contain metals, often characterized by varied colors and textures.
ExamplesGold, silver, copper, iron, zinc.Quartz, talc, gypsum, mica, clay.
End UsePrimarily used for industrial purposes, building materials, and in manufacturing.Utilized for construction, ceramics, cosmetics, and other non-metallic applications.
ConductivityUsually conductive of electricity due to the presence of free electrons.Generally not conductive of electricity.
AppearanceOften have a shiny, reflective surface (metallic luster).Vary in color and may have a non-shiny appearance.
Mining TechniquesExtracted through mining methods like open-pit, underground mining, and heap leaching.Extracted using methods such as quarrying, surface mining, and well drilling.
ValueOften high in economic value due to their use in industries and valuable metals.Valued for their various industrial and aesthetic applications, but usually not as high in economic value as metallic minerals.
ApplicationsUsed in manufacturing machinery, electronics, jewelry, and infrastructure.Utilized in ceramics, glass production, cosmetics, and art.
MalleabilityTypically malleable and can be hammered into thin sheets.Generally lack malleability and are not easily shaped by hammering.

What are Metallic Minerals?

Metallic minerals are naturally occurring compounds or elements that contain metals in their composition. These minerals exhibit properties commonly associated with metals, such as luster, conductivity, and malleability. They are often extracted and processed for their valuable metal content, making them significant resources for various industrial applications.



Known for its rarity and value, gold has been used for currency, jewelry, and various industrial purposes.


Used in jewelry, electronics, and photography due to its excellent electrical conductivity and reflective properties.


Renowned for its electrical conductivity, copper is used in wiring, electronics, plumbing, and more.


Used to produce steel, which is essential for construction, manufacturing, and infrastructure.

What are Non-Metallic Minerals?

Non-metallic minerals are naturally occurring substances that do not contain metals and lack metallic properties like conductivity, malleability, and a characteristic metallic luster. These minerals have diverse compositions and are often used in various industrial and commercial applications due to their unique physical and chemical properties.

Non-metallic minerals are commonly used in construction, ceramics, cosmetics, art, and other fields. Examples of non-metallic minerals include quartz, talc, gypsum, mica, clay, limestone, and graphite.

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