Difference Between Tendon And Ligament

The major difference between tendon and ligament is that tendons connect muscles to bones and transmit muscle forces, while ligaments connect bones to other bones, providing joint stability and limiting movement.

What is tendon?

A tendon is a strong band of fibrous connective tissue that attaches muscles to bones. Tendons play a critical role in transmitting the force generated by muscles to the bones, allowing for movement at the joints. They are essential for the coordination and control of bodily movements. Tendons are able to withstand tension and provide the necessary strength for various activities, from simple actions like walking to more complex movements like lifting objects or running.

What is ligament?

A ligament is a tough and flexible band of fibrous connective tissue that connects bones to other bones, providing stability and support to joints. Ligaments help to restrict excessive movement in joints, preventing them from moving beyond their normal range of motion. They play a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of the body and are essential for proper joint function.

Tendon Vs ligament

The basic difference between tendon and ligament are given below:

FunctionConnects muscles to bones.Connects bones to bones.
CompositionTendons consist of collagen (mostly type I collagen) and elastin embedded in a proteoglycan-water matrix with collagen accounting for 65-80%.The basic building blocks of a ligament are collagen fibers.
RoleTransmits muscle force to bones.Provides joint stability.
LocationFound at the ends of muscles.Found around joints.
MovementEnables movement of joints.Restricts excessive movement.
StrengthStrong and able to withstand tension.Also strong, but not as dense as tendons.
ExamplesAchilles tendon, biceps tendon.Anterior cruciate ligament, medial collateral ligament.
Injury RiskSusceptible to overuse injuries.Prone to sprains and tears.
HealingHealing may take up to 4-6 weeks.Healing may take up to  10- 12 weeks.

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