Difference Between Gravitation And Gravity

The basic difference between gravitation and gravity is that gravitation represents the attractive force that manifests between any two masses, drawing them closer together. It is the force of gravitation that causes objects to be attracted to one another, such as the gravitational pull between the Earth and other celestial bodies, which we commonly refer to as gravity. Gravity, in essence, is the force that compels objects to move towards the Earth.

What Is Gravitation?

Gravitation represents the universal force of attraction between any two entities in the cosmos. While every object in our universe exerts a force of attraction on one another, its feebleness often escapes our perception due to the vast distances involved. Nonetheless, gravity’s influence is recognized to extend infinitely. The renowned scientist Sir Isaac Newton made the pioneering observation and formulated Newton’s Law of Gravitation in 1680, elucidating that this force arises from the mutual attraction of objects to Earth.

What Is Gravity?

Gravity, a fundamental force in mechanics, is the universal attraction between all matter. Although it is the weakest force in nature and doesn’t affect the internal properties of everyday matter, its extensive reach influences the paths of celestial bodies in the solar system and beyond. It also shapes the structures and evolution of stars, galaxies, and the entire cosmos. On Earth, all objects experience a gravitational force, or weight, proportional to their mass, which is exerted by Earth’s mass. We measure gravity through the acceleration it imparts to freely falling objects. At Earth’s surface, this acceleration is approximately 9.8 meters (32 feet) per second squared, meaning that each second, a falling object’s speed increases by about 9.8 meters per second. On the Moon’s surface, the acceleration due to gravity is about 1.6 meters per second squared.

Gravitation vs Gravity

The basic difference between gravitation and gravity is given below:

Nature of ForceMay be attractive or repulsive.Always attractive.
Universal ForceConsidered universal force.Not considered universal force.
DirectionRadial direction from masses.Center of Earth.
Effect of ForceWeak force.Strong force.
VectorVector physical quantity.Has its own vector field.
Need for MassRequires objects with two masses.Requires only one mass.
Zero Force EffectForce is zero when distance is infinity.Force is zero at center of Earth.

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