Difference Between Plant and Tree

The key difference plant and tree is that plants typically have several roots while Trees have only one woody stem that is referred to as a trunk.

What Is Plant?

Plants are complex organisms found within the kingdom Plantae, utilizing photosynthesis to synthesize their own sustenance. With a vast diversity encompassing over 300,000 species, plants range from grasses to towering trees and compact shrubs.

They play a crucial role in global ecosystems, serving as primary oxygen producers and vital components of the food chain. Many organisms either directly consume plants or rely on plant-eating organisms for sustenance. The scientific discipline dedicated to the study of plants is known as botany.

What is Tree?

A tree, characterized as a tall plant with an extended lifespan, typically features a singular stem or trunk accompanied by branches supporting foliage. Below the surface, trees establish a root system serving both as a stabilizer and a reservoir for essential water and nutrients crucial for their growth.

What sets trees apart from other plant varieties is primarily their robust and sturdy ligneous tissues commonly referred to as wood, although wood characteristics may vary across different tree species.

However, delving deeper into the realm of nature, it becomes evident that merely providing a basic definition of trees falls short of encompassing the vast array of tree species thriving within forest ecosystems.

Tree vs Plant

The basic difference between trees and plants is given below:

StemSingle, hard woody trunk.Multiple, softer stems, some pseudo stems.
Leaves/Branches on Lower SectionsFewSome entirely made of leaves, some closer to the ground.
ShapesColumnar, triangular, rounded.Scrambling vines, clumps, thickets.
AutotrophicYesMostly yes, with exceptions like Sundews and pitcher plants.
Resilience to Environmental ChangesQuite resilient.More prone to sudden changes.
LifespanPerennial.Usually biennials or annuals.

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