Difference between population and community

Population refers to a group of individuals of the same species living in the same area, while a community includes populations of different species interacting and coexisting in a given ecosystem or habitat.

image showing the population vs community

In this article, we will discuss the difference between population and community. We will also give deep insight into separately on both.


The population refers to the total number of individuals, organisms, or people residing in a particular geographic area or belonging to a specific group. It is a quantitative measure that quantifies the size of a group or community.


A community is a group of people who share common characteristics, interests, or goals and interact with one another within a specific geographic area or online space.

Population Vs Community

Here’s a comparison of the differences between population and community in table form:

DefinitionThe total number of individuals in a specific area or groupA group of individuals who share common interests, and values, and interact with one another
SizeCan be large or small.Varies in size, can be small (e.g., a neighborhood) or large (e.g., a town).
InteractionsMay have limited or anonymous interactions.Typically involves personal interactions, social connections, and mutual support.
IdentityMay not have a strong sense of shared identity.Strong sense of shared identity and belonging.
RelationshipsPrimarily based on demographic factors (e.g., age, gender)Built on shared interests, values, and common goals
CohesionMay lack a sense of unity or cohesion.Characterized by a sense of unity, cooperation, and social bonds.
ServicesFocuses on providing essential services to the population.Emphasizes community development, social support, cultural activities, and fulfilling the needs of its members.
InfluenceThe population may impact the community through numbers.The community shapes and influences the population through shared values, norms, and collective actions.
Sense of PlaceMay not have a strong attachment to a specific location or community.Strong attachment to a particular place or community, fostering a sense of belonging.
Common PurposeMay lack a common purpose or collective goals.Often driven by a common purpose, shared goals, and a desire for mutual growth and well-being.

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