Difference between glottis and epiglottis

The main difference between glottis and epiglottis is that the glottis is the opening between the vocal cords in the larynx, while the epiglottis is a flap-like structure that covers the glottis during swallowing to prevent food from entering the windpipe.

image showing the difference between glottis vs epiglottis

In this article, we will discuss the difference between glottis and epiglottis. We will also give deep insight into separately on both.

What is Glottis?

The glottis is the part of the larynx (voice box) that contains the vocal cords. It is the opening between the vocal folds, which are two flexible bands of tissue that vibrate to produce sound when air passes through them. It helps in the production of sound.

What is Epiglottis?

The epiglottis is a flap-like structure located above the larynx (voice box), specifically at the base of the tongue. It is made of elastic cartilage and is responsible for preventing food and liquid from entering the windpipe (trachea) during swallowing.

Glottis vs Epiglottis

The key difference between glottis and epiglottis is given below:

FeatureGlottisContains vocal folds and a glottic cleft.
LocationLocated within the larynx.Located above the larynx, behind the tongue.
StructureConsists of vocal cords.Composed of elastic cartilage.
FunctionPlays a role in phonation (voice production) and respiration (breathing).Closes during swallowing to prevent food or liquid from entering the windpipe.
Opening/ClosureOpens during inhalation and exhalation; closes partially during swallowing to prevent aspiration.Closes tightly during swallowing to direct food and liquids to the esophagus.
SizeRelatively smaller in size.Relatively larger in size.
CompositionContains vocal folds and glottic cleft.Consists of cartilaginous tissue with a flap-like shape.
VisibilityVisible during laryngoscopy.Visible during laryngoscopy.

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